Sivananda World News: the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams

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작성자 Bettye
댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-10-16 17:16


Along with Prahlada ji, Dr. Narayanasami ji, Suresh ji and other Ashram staffs, we witnessed the cremation of Swami Mahadevananda ji with the accompaniment of Om Namo Narayanaya mantra chanting which concluded with Maha Mrithyunjaya Mantra praying for the departed soul. We at the Centre prayed for his soul to rest in peace and Umaji & Family to have enough strength and courage to bear the great loss. There was a joyful mood in the Centre with a big family in the house. In August the back house revamping progressed well. Om Namah Sivaya. The Berlin Centre was well visited in August. As August progressed classes and Satsangs continued to be well visited, especially the weekends. We continued to run all online classes in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh Centre and Ha Noi Centre. In January the LA Centre remained closed due to a surge in COVID cases. In August even though temporarily closed to the public due to Covid safety in Vietnam, thanks to Guru’s blessing, our Centre can keep the strong energy to serve the community. Suffice it to know that God has created this world in order to enable you to evolve and realize the Self, in order to serve all and love all as His manifestations.

These impressions have created desires in the past and they continue to do so. Swami created the first Yoga Teachers Training Course which to date has trained more than 8,000 certified teachers in the field of Yoga and spirituality. We had a Homa to mark the first day of the Tamil month. Nirmala finished her first 3-day practicum course on Stress Management. A Yoga 2 course started with a good group of students. Meanwhile at the Ashram in early September, What is Sivananda yoga we were joined by a group of yoga vacationers for the yogic detoxification week. For 10 years Swami Vishnu-devananda continued at the Sivananda Ashram and was trained in all aspects of Yoga by Swami Sivananda. One of his brilliant touches was to summarize these ancient and vast teachings into five principles of Yoga which are easy to understant and convenient to incorporate in one's daily practice. We are currently transcribing talks that Swami Vishnu gave onto CD and paper, and in the most recent I have read he is talking about Sadhana during the Iron Age, the Dark Age we are in now. The best that we can do is to continue sharing the teachings online and be a support to the community, so we can all continue with our Sadhana to stay positive and peaceful amidst the fast changing situations.


We were grateful for an inspiring Satsang about dynamic Sadhana. He taught the advanced class and chanted the Jaya Ganesha at the Satsang afterwards. We offered a Shat Kriya workshop and advance class. One weekend we conducted the kriya workshop. We began a 3 day online workshop on Pranayama. Further events were a cooking course with the topic "Light Dishes for the Spring Season", a kirtan and mantra chanting workshop and a session of the course "Inspiring Wisdom Stories from the Yoga Tradition". Everybody enjoyed the common chanting. We continued our regular chanting of Om Namo Narayanaya every evening, Vishnu Sahasranama on Thursdays & Lalitha Sahasranama on Fridays. Swami Sita leads a popular remote online Satsang each Thursdays. Online Satsang led by the Dalat Ashram is on Wednesdays and Sundays. Swami Sivananda then invited the young boy to remain at the Ashram to study and become a Yogi. Swami Sivananda teaches that an ounce of practice is worth tons of theory. Swami Vishnu-devananda quickly became an exceptional adept in the path of Hatha-Yoga and was a very keen and tireless Karma Yogi.

The staff was busy with karma yoga. Pranava Chaitanya, led a Sunday evening Satsang with stories from the Yoga Vasistha. On the tenth, 106 students came for the Satsang given by Swami Kailasananda and felt inspired and uplifted. Swami Jnaneswariananda came for a weekend. Swami Gayatriananda taught them how to teach yoga to elderly students and pregnant women. We are grateful to be able to offer daily yoga classes through Zoom. We continued with daily online & in-person classes. The number of students increased in open classes both in onsite as well online. All is well here with the blessings of our Gurus. With the Grace of Gurus everything is fine at the Centre in August. In August the Delhi weather was quite pleasant. The Dwarka Centre’s activities went well in August. The Guru Puja was very well attended, many regulars returned from holiday travels. Because of this Puja the Centre was charged with positive energy.


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